VAT Mode:
SSTH031: World History 1

Credits: 0.5 units/5 hours
5 Evaluations, 3 Projects, 3 Progress Tests
6 Teacher Connects

NCAA Approved
UC a-g Approved

This course is an introduction to world history that traces human development from ancient times to the beginning of the eighteenth century. Students will learn the facts, concepts, and principles they need to gain a better grasp on the history, culture, political, social, and economic developments of many different societies around the globe. Special attention is given to the civilizations that developed in the Middle East, India, China, Africa, and Latin America as well as those in Europe and North America.  

Course Materials

Textbook: World History Interactive, Savvas Learning Company, 2022 (ISBN: 9781418330361)

World History 1  SSTH031061 (printed course content)

eFollett To browse and purchase textbooks and materials, visit the bookstore at

Step 1: Select Your Course Items.

Online course content is included in tuition for all courses except those designated as "PRINT ONLY".
Tuition (SSTH031061)

Required Fee
A $50 non-refundable Administrative Fee is required for each course.
Administrative Fee

Optional Services

Some course materials are highly recommended for successful completion of the course, but not required. Course materials are available for purchase through Follett Virtual Bookstores.

Mail Processing Fee:
Selecting this service allows for print submission of evaluations, teacher connects, projects, and progress tests via regular postal mail. Mail Processing is required for all PRINT ONLY courses, and optional for all other courses.

Mail Processing (SSTH031061) [Add $35.00]

Course Price $300.00

  • Tuition (SSTH031061)  $250.00
  • Administrative Fee  $50.00

Step 2: Assign or Create a Student Below And Your Course Will Be Ready To Purchase!

Step 3 (Optional): Assign or Create a Proctor Below. This step is not required to enroll and begin coursework, but a proctor is required for completion of the course.