VAT Mode:
ENGH032: Ninth Grade English 2: Literature, Grammar, Composition

Credits: 0.5 units/5 hours
6 Evaluations, 3 Projects, 3 Progress Tests
6 Teacher Connects

NCAA Approved
UC a-g Approved

In this course, students will read a variety of literary works. The short story is heavily emphasized because it allows readers to see the essential parts of plot. Also, students will read essays, a sampling of poetry, William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet, and selections from the epic poem The Odyssey. Since reacting to what they read will be an important part of this course, students will be asked for their own thoughts on many occasions. This course will also help students improve their communication skills. In addition to studying literature, they will learn the steps involved in writing good essays. Students will learn to express a point of view and support their ideas in written format. The course also includes lessons on grammar and tips for improving students' research skills and writing styles.

Course Materials

Textbook: Into Literature, Grade 9 (ISBN: 9781328474803)

MLA Handbook, 8th Edition (ISBN 9781603292627) or 9th Edition (ISBN 9781603293518)

*This handbook is available in both print and online formats.
The MLA Handbook is a required work for both semesters of Ninth Grade English and both semesters of Tenth Grade English.

9th Grade English 2 ENGH032061 (printed course content)

eFollett To browse and purchase textbooks and materials, visit the bookstore at

Step 1: Select Your Course Items.

Online course content is included in tuition for all courses except those designated as "PRINT ONLY".
Tuition (ENGH032061)

Required Fee
A $50 non-refundable Administrative Fee is required for each course.
Administrative Fee

Optional Services

Some course materials are highly recommended for successful completion of the course, but not required. Course materials are available for purchase through Follett Virtual Bookstores.

Mail Processing Fee:
Selecting this service allows for print submission of evaluations, teacher connects, projects, and progress tests via regular postal mail. Mail Processing is required for all PRINT ONLY courses, and optional for all other courses.

Mail Processing (ENGH032061) [Add $35.00]

Course Price $300.00

  • Tuition (ENGH032061)  $250.00
  • Administrative Fee  $50.00

Step 2: Assign or Create a Student Below And Your Course Will Be Ready To Purchase!

Step 3 (Optional): Assign or Create a Proctor Below. This step is not required to enroll and begin coursework, but a proctor is required for completion of the course.